VMware vSphere Mobile Watchlist

One of the commons SysAdmin job is  perform server management. VMware vSphere management server can actually be done remotely using the vSphere Client access (based on Windows) , Web Client or  can also use 3rd party mobile applications . Along with the development of technology, remote server management via mobile devices such as gadgets or…

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VMware vSphere Mobile Watchlist

One of the commons SysAdmin job is  perform server management. VMware vSphere management server can actually be done remotely using the vSphere Client access (based on Windows) , Web Client or  can also use 3rd party mobile applications . Along with the development of technology, remote server management via mobile devices such as gadgets or…

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VMware vSphere Tips : Create a User Account on the vCenter Server Appliance (vCSA)

As an alternative to installing vCenter Server on a Windows machine, since vSphere 5.0, Vmware provide VMware vCenter Server Appliance (vCSA). The vCenter Server Appliance is a preconfigured Linux-based virtual machine optimized for running vCenter Server and associated services. On stand alone vSphere host, we can use  vSphere client directly to connect to the vSphere…

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VMware vSphere 5.5 Deployment Notes

VMware vSphere 5.5 has been released on November 2013 and contains some improvement compared to previous version . If you wish to try  to implement VMware vSphere version 5.5, these are some precautions especially for vSphere free edition.  vSphere Client Version Windows vSphere Client version 5.5 cannot be installed on Windows XP or Windows 2003…

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