Zeze Zahra’s Chicken Farm: From 10 to 1000 in 6 Months

KUB chicken is a new breed of village chicken resulting from genetic selection by the research team at the Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development (Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, Balitbangtan). This new breed of chicken is called the ayam Kampung Unggul Balitbangtan (Balitbangtan Superior Village Chicken), abbreviated as KUB chicken. Zeze Zahra started…

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In Bekasi, Indonesia, it has been raining since yesterday. It continued from the early morning to dawn until morning. Heavy rain, Monday morning, many areas are flooded, it is highly likely that the roads will be congested. On Monday at 3:30 a.m., I woke up according to my habit. There was also a reminder from…

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