I usually get confused when my dear Rey asks me about my birthday gift. I only remember a few times I wanted something specific as a birthday gift. Even then, I bought it as a gift for myself, hehehe…
The first one is a Kawasaki Ninja motorcycle because it’s the motorcycle I’ve dreamed of since high school. The second one is a Bumblebee car (Toyota Yaris Citrus Mica Metallic) because I wanted a compact and simple car, not a big one. I chose it for two reasons. First, I wanted to learn how to drive, and second, I saw a friend who worked at Kemenpora (Minister of Youth and Sports) had a small and simple car to take with him and had a feeling of freedom to go anywhere.

The third self-gift is a Zeze Zahra cabin house. I imagine someday I can take a holiday freely in a house where I can relax, do gardening and farming hobbies and someday become a place to live for my twilight with my wife when our children are grown up and have their own families.
I walked across an empty land
I knew the pathway like the back of my hand
I felt the earth beneath my feet
Sat by the river and it made me completeOh, simple thing, where have you gone?
I’m gettin’ old, and I need something to rely on
So, tell me when you’re gonna let me in
I’m gettin’ tired, and I need somewhere to beginI came across a fallen tree
I felt the branches of it looking at me
Is this the place we used to love?
Is this the place that I’ve been dreaming of?
One time I told my wife, My Dear Rey, can I ask for a special gift that I only ask from Dear Rey. It can be as a birthday gift, or not in the context of a birthday. Consider it a desire to receive a gift from a partner, hehehe…
There are 3 things I ask for:
- Amazon Kindle, an e-book reader because I love to read and I want to be able to read electronic books (e-books) freely and without being disturbed by noise as if I were reading a book in a library or at the Zeze Zahra cabin.
- A Handkerchief, because a handkerchief for me is a special gift that I only ask for from my life partner. Because I often use a handkerchief and it’s always near me (in my pocket to be exact, hehehe).
- A Watch. Because the first gift my dear Rey gave me a few years ago was a watch gift and as I remember, at that time I wasn’t dating. So, the watch became one of my favorites, as a reminder of a special gift a few years ago.
The first gift was given last year. The second gift was given a few months ago. The third gift, given two days ago, was a watch according to the model I wanted. A watch that accompanies my daily life.
Cinta pada ibu jadi abadi (Love for a mother becomes eternal)
Cinta pada anak tak mau berbagi (Love for a child doesn’t want to share)
Cinta padamu, mengapa menyergap berkali-kali… (Love for you, why does it ambush repeatedly…)
Thank you, my wife, My Dearest Renny Yuniastuty