Indonesian Blogger Party was finally over at Saturday, October 2007, but please let me told some useful stuff while attended this event.
I’ve some community membership as my identity to go to the party but probably I primarily well-known as Indonesian OpenSUSE community representation 🙂 , so I take this moment as an opportunity to bring the OpenSUSE mission 🙂 .
I contacted Mr Adinoto a week before the party will be held. I told him about the opportunity to distributed free OpenSUSE CD-as he mentioned at his blog-into party audience. He agreed with this plans and tried to make a CD package with pre-printed logo.
2 days before the party, I contacted the party chairman and told him about this project. I asked him to preserve any misunderstanding due to the list of party sponsors. Microsoft Indonesia is one of the main sponsors and I don’t want to break the party with this mission. The chairman answered me that it would be difficult situation and he asked me to understand his position. Okay, no problem. The chairman is well-known independent blogger and I respected him so much.
I told Adinoto to cancell the mission. Mission incomplete 😉
But, wait… We are a blogger, as usual. We could take another way without break the party. We still brings a lot of OpenSUSE CDs into the party but we aren’t officially included this CD as a gift for the party audience.
I came to the party about 1 hour before it will be opened. After met with Adinoto at the reservation room, I and Adinoto’s team take this moment to getting started, distributed OpenSUSE CD. Talk to any bloggers, said about one-two words and give him/her the CD. Guerilla tactics :-D.
Adinoto teams make a great approach. They were distributed the CD while opening ceremony :-D. Most of the audience got the CD and seems quite happy with the CD. One or two asked about the OpenSUSE and it sound interesting to know that they’ve heard about OpenSUSE in the past.
Mission Completed :-D.
How about the relationship between party, OpenSUSE and celebrity violin player ? This is the last one. Yanarief Purwanto helped me to take the photo, me and Maylaffayza, a celebrity blogger and well-known violin player with beautiful face, yet elegant appearance, and pure heart. She is also known as "Indonesian Vanessa Mae" 😉 . Thanks for the photos, Maylaff, best regards from Zeze Vavai and My Wife.
This is another photo of Maylaffayza and it would make sense that the bloggers always gave an applause if the camera or projector shoot her.
Photos credited to Adinoto and Yanarief Purwanto
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Mas Vavai dan keluarga, makasih banyak kemarin yah… apajadinya kita kalo nggak ada keluarga mas Vavai… kalo ke Jogja kabarin kita lho ya..
Terima kasih juga Mbak Lala. Thanks buat ketemuannya. Menyenangkan sekali bisa sedikit mengajak Mbak Lala & Thomas untuk melihat Bekasi dari dekat :-D.
Mohon maaf juga jika ada hal-hal yang kurang berkenan.
Terima kasih juga Mbak Lala. Thanks buat ketemuannya. Menyenangkan sekali bisa sedikit mengajak Mbak Lala & Thomas untuk melihat Bekasi dari dekat :-D.
Mohon maaf juga jika ada hal-hal yang kurang berkenan.
actually I’m so curious to know who’s the man behind this insightful blog but I didn’t know to whom I should meet at that time, and I wish I could get the openSuse CD too :D, but as usual there’s always next time, ok see you then 🙂
actually I’m so curious to know who’s the man behind this insightful blog but I didn’t know to whom I should meet at that time, and I wish I could get the openSuse CD too :D, but as usual there’s always next time, ok see you then 🙂
Well, it could be a great moment to met you there but I loss this opportunity 🙁
Hope there is another session that we can meet and talk each other :-).
Well, it could be a great moment to met you there but I loss this opportunity 🙁
Hope there is another session that we can meet and talk each other :-).
That’s I missed so much, OpenSuse CD 🙁
That’s I missed so much, OpenSuse CD 🙁
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I sent you an email. Please checked your inbox 😀