a friend of mine Andi Sugandi, Indonesian openSUSE Community group leader for Bandung (West Java) area invited me to give a presentation about openSUSE 11.1 on their event as describe on the title of this post.
The event will be held at :
Location : Tobucil, Aceh 56, Bandung. Map.
Schedule Date : Sunday, February 01, 2009
Schedule Time : 15:30 (GMT+7)
It will be the third event of openSUSE 11.1 release party in Indonesia after the first one at Jakarta, the second later at Makassar-Sulawesi. We would also plan for the fourth event at Surabaya, East Java.
Thanks to Zonker who sent us 100 set of Promo DVD (sent to openSUSE member, Muhammad Edwin Zakaria aka Medwinz). Beside the promo DVD, We also preparing KDE Four Live, openSUSE 11.1 brochure and openSUSE 11.1 DVD repositories (a set of 6 DVD contains oss, non-oss and packman repositories) for offline update.
Never heard Bandung ? You may interesting to travelling to the beautiful city that also well known as Paris van Java :-).
openSUSE 11.1 & KDE 4.2 Release Party @ Bandung
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