New Serendipity Themes : Ayumi

Yesterday, I found a nice themes while searching WordPress themes for Iin’s blog. Nurudin Jauhari’s Ayumi WordPress themes seems very nice. Slightly, simple, sophisticated and having good layout (what’s more 😀 ).

I think it’s a nice idea to applied this themes into my Serendipity blog. Yes, I maintained some community blog using WordPress but primarily I used Serendipity as my private blog engine.

Carl Galloway has a nice tutorial about "Porting WordPress themes into Serendipity" and I used his tutorial to ported Ayumi themes into Serendipity without success, due to my knowledge about PHP and CSS :-(. After some trial and error, I tried another choice, maybe an easy way to get this themes ported without problem. I post a request at Serendipity forum :-D.

I wrote a simple post about this themes and hope somebody get this themes ported. Maybe it will take a long time or maybe someone can give some clear tutorial.

Surprise, last night I got an email notification about a reply to my posting. Good news, Reinhard make this themes possible to ported into Serendipity within just a few hours. Wow, I’m very happy applied this themes in my private blog. Download Ayumi themes for Serendipty, here.

Thanks Reinhard. I don’t know how to say thanks to his nice job. Maybe I will take a moment to sending him a cup of coffee :-).

Thanks to Nurudin Jauhari to this excellent themes. 

One thought on “New Serendipity Themes : Ayumi

  1. Hari ini saya berencana mengganti template untuk Serendipity, terutama untuk 2 blog saya, Blog Vavai dan Migrasi Windows-Linux. Kemarin saya sempat melihat-lihat themes untuk WordPress sewaktu bantu Iin membuat blog dan saya lihat themes Ayumi Hamasaki mi

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