Mozilla Prism Proxy Setting

PrismIn previous post, I talked about Mozilla Prism, one of the Mozilla product (beta version) that provided an easy way to run your web application from desktop. This means that you can take any web site that you currently visit a lot, and place it in its own process, and you can launch it like any other application.

Prism built on Firefox engine. What is the advantage of Prism is that Prism more faster than native Firefox browser. Prism launched without tab, plugin, themes or another miscellaneous stuff.

What will be interesting to see is the fact that Prism could not opened behind the proxy. Setiaji wrote a comment about this problem, and I think he was wrong because I could get Prism running successfully behind the proxy. After reviewing my browser setting, i think I go wrong, because I have 2 different internet connection in my computer. Mainly I used proxy server but I’ve activated another internet connection with my 3G handphone :-). The Prism could opened any web address because it used my second internet connection…

Took some googling to get the solution. This is a manual setting because run the config setup ‘about:config" with Prism ended without success.

Simply edit the "all.js" file (I’ve extracted the Prism into /opt/prism/ and the "all.js" file found on /opt/prism/xulrunner/greprefs/all.js). Make a change to this part :

pref("permissions.default.image", 1); // 1-Accept, 2-Deny, 3-dontAcceptForeign
pref("network.proxy.type", 1);
pref("network.proxy.ftp", "");
pref("network.proxy.ftp_port", 0);
pref("network.proxy.gopher", "");
pref("network.proxy.gopher_port", 0);
pref("network.proxy.http", "");
pref("network.proxy.http_port", 8080);
pref("network.proxy.ssl", "");
pref("network.proxy.ssl_port", 0);
pref("network.proxy.socks", "");
pref("network.proxy.socks_port", 0);
pref("network.proxy.socks_version", 5);
pref("network.proxy.socks_remote_dns", false);
pref("network.proxy.no_proxies_on", "localhost,");

I make a changes in pref("network.proxy.type") value into 1 as it means I used manual proxy setting. I used http proxy so I change another setting : pref("network.proxy.http") value with "" and pref("network.proxy.http_port") value with 8080. is my proxy IP Address and 8080 is port number. Just applied this change with your setting. You could get another proxy setting by visiting this link :
The evolution of broadband has had an immense impact on the web development software in general. There are more internet users now, attempting work at home. With more of affiliate information sharing, there are more computers at a risk of data loss. Every minute a new web site design is popping up. New sem methods like cpc and adsense keep coming up everyday.

16 thoughts on “Mozilla Prism Proxy Setting

  1. Atau bisa juga mengedit via about:config, dengan jalan prism -uri about:config
    Kelebihan cara ini adalah anda tidak perlu menshutdown seluruh prism instance, which is what you are required to do jika anda mengedit filenya langsung.
    BTW, setelah beberapa kali pake prism, saya akhirnya kembali lagi ke browser. Pasalnya setiap kali pake prism, tetap saja saya akan menjalankan firefox karean saya pasti akan meng-klik suatu URL. prism jalan, firefox jalan, berarti memory yang terpakai sudah seperti dobel firefox instance. Hehe, padahal tujuan memakai prism bagi saya yang terpenting adalah mengurangi pemakaian memory dengan menghilangkan all the blow and whistles (ya, saya tidak akan memerlukan Firebug untuk e-mail checking atau feed reading)

  2. Atau bisa juga mengedit via about:config, dengan jalan prism -uri about:config
    Kelebihan cara ini adalah anda tidak perlu menshutdown seluruh prism instance, which is what you are required to do jika anda mengedit filenya langsung.
    BTW, setelah beberapa kali pake prism, saya akhirnya kembali lagi ke browser. Pasalnya setiap kali pake prism, tetap saja saya akan menjalankan firefox karean saya pasti akan meng-klik suatu URL. prism jalan, firefox jalan, berarti memory yang terpakai sudah seperti dobel firefox instance. Hehe, padahal tujuan memakai prism bagi saya yang terpenting adalah mengurangi pemakaian memory dengan menghilangkan all the blow and whistles (ya, saya tidak akan memerlukan Firebug untuk e-mail checking atau feed reading)

  3. Hi,
    Very good article, i’m using prism extension (version 1.0b2) and I have had the same problem.
    To solve I edit prefs.js inside “C:Documents and Settings”windows profile”Application DataPrism”prism app”Profilesxxxx.default and add the following property user_pref(“network.proxy.type”, 1);.
    and put the flag read-only to the file (if don’t you loose the changes).The rest of the proxy config is importe ok my FF Profile (a little bug it seems :D).
    I hope next version of Prism will be better good job Mozilla Labs!!!.
    Sorry for my english 😀
    Merry Christmas from Spain!!!

  4. Hi,
    Very good article, i’m using prism extension (version 1.0b2) and I have had the same problem.
    To solve I edit prefs.js inside “C:Documents and Settings”windows profile”Application DataPrism”prism app”Profilesxxxx.default and add the following property user_pref(“network.proxy.type”, 1);.
    and put the flag read-only to the file (if don’t you loose the changes).The rest of the proxy config is importe ok my FF Profile (a little bug it seems :D).
    I hope next version of Prism will be better good job Mozilla Labs!!!.
    Sorry for my english 😀
    Merry Christmas from Spain!!!

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