It’s all started last year. After about 1 year providing email server managed services for my client by hosted some co-location server at Jakarta datacenter, I decided to pick some VPS provider due to some bad experience with previous provider.
Most problem came from datacenter performance, sometimes it was down for about 30 minutes to hours. Support response is not as fast as expected, especially while we have a tight schedule and our end user complaints about the services. It was a disaster when our server down for about 36 hours and our provider said that it’s problem related with their network infrastructure. The problem is getting worse because their website and support ticket are both down 🙁
We have a few bucks for compensation from provider while we provide 1 month full compensation for our end user to keep their loyalty.
Refers to that experience, I gradually move the services from self co-location server into VPS provider. On previous scenario, I buy some server, installing with Virtualization OS and then rent some space on datacenter. All felt like in heaven when everything is going well and running smoothly, but suddenly become a nightmare when host server down and all VM becomes offline as I told earlier 🙂 . On new scenario, each client has its own server just like before but I no longer handle the server infrastructure and giving responsibility to VPS provider.
My colleagues recommend DigitalOcean (DO) as preferred VPS provider. Their nearest location are in Singapore but it’s OK for me/my client because fairly accessible from Indonesia. I move some priority clients to DigitalOcean while keep playing around on VPS services from others competitors. Vultr is second option and I move some hosting server there.
Finally, I moved most of server into Linode after comparing DO, Vultr and some provider in terms performance and stability. Although most review said that DO/Vultr are best choice, my experience shows that Linode better than others. Later, I will elaborate on some other thoughts until finally choose Linode as a top choice 😉
Moving Infrastructure from Self Co-Location Server to VPS Provider