Installing Zimbra Mail Server on SLES 11 SP1 64 bit in less than 30 Minutes-Part 3

Previous tutorial : “Installing Zimbra Mail Server on SLES 11 SP1 64 bit in less than 30 Minutes-Part 2″
Estimated Time : 10 minutes
Minimal server appliance has all required package for installing Zimbra. Postfix and all other applications that could potentially conflict with Zimbra package deactivated automatically on initial boot. You do not need to install additional package because all necessary package is bundled inside the appliance.

  1. Go to folder /opt, download Zimbra binary installer from  Zimbra Website
  2.  (At this writing, zimbra latest version is version 7.1.3), uncompress and then run the setup installer /opt
    3.tar -zxvf zcs-7.1.3_GA_3346.SLES11_64.20110930001521.tgz zcs-7.1.3_GA_3346.SLES11_64.20110930001521


  3. Answer the question “Do you agree with the terms of the software licenseagreement? [N]“ with Y. Off course, because if you answer N, the installation process will simply stopped successfully  🙂
  4. Press ENTER for all installation package. The default answer is Y. Leave the “zimbra-memcached” and “zimbra-proxy” as is (will not be install) because zimbra-memcached and zimbra-proxy only required for multi server installation.
  5. Zimbra will install the required application package and at the end will be check DNS records. On the DNS confirmation : “DNS ERROR resolving MX for
    It is suggested that the domain name have an MX record configured in DNS
    Change domain name? [Yes]“. Just answer “Y” for change domain and then typing your domain name (in my case : instead of your hostname (
  6. Press 3  on the question “Address unconfigured (**) items  (? – help)” and press 4 on the question “Select, or ‘r’ for previous menu [r]“ to change thedefault password for Zimbra Admin
  7. Fill in Zimbra Admin password. Note : Password will be displayed on plain text
  8. Press ENTER on question “Select, or ‘r’ for previous menu [r]“
  9. Press A on question “*** CONFIGURATION COMPLETE – press ‘a’ to apply
    Select from menu, or press ‘a’ to apply config (? – help)” and then press ENTER twice, following with “Y” and then  press ENTER on question “The system will be modified – continue? [No]“
  10. Zimbra will perform the system installation process. Please be patient :-). The installation will took 5-10 minutes depending your server performance (processor and memory)
  11. Zimbra Open Source Edition will asking an optional registering your installation for statistics purpose only. Answer for this question are up to you
    1.You have the option of notifying Zimbra of your installation.
    2.This helps us to track the uptake of the <span class="p3vk74"id="p3vk74_3">Zimbra Collaboration</span> Suite.
    3.The only information that will be transmitted is:
    4.The VERSION of zcs installed (7.1.3_GA_3346_SLES11_64)
    5.The ADMIN EMAIL ADDRESS created ( Zimbra of your installation? [Yes]
  12. Installation is complete, run the command : - zimbra
    2.zmcontrol -v
    3.zmcontrol status


  13. Open the browser and go to http://your-zimbra-server-ip (in my case : or http://zimbra-hostname (in my case : to access Zimbra Webmail
  14. Zimbra management can be done using the web admin with https protocol and default port 7071 : or

Zimbra Installation is very easy and requires a short time if we use the right tools. It can be done by using an appliance to simplify the installation process because I’ve prepare all the Zimbra requirement packages to the appliance and remove unnecessary application.
Hopefully this is useful for anyone who needs it. Warm regards from Jakarta-Indonesia 🙂

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