Installing BitDefender Anti Virus & Malware Scanner on openSUSE 11.2

Installing anti virus on my computer running openSUSE 11.2 might not be my priority list but sometimes I need the anti virus scanner  for removing virus from the USB flash disk with FAT32 or NTFS partition, or even on the Windows PC infected by viruses. Installing an anti virus on Windows PC might be a smart choice but how if we need to clean the virus with our Linux system, so we will not be worries with the possibility of infection from contaminated system ?
These are various product both open source and closed source-commercial providing anti virus for Linux or Unix family. ClamAV may the most popular name on open source anti virus, and it has included on most of Linux distro. Beside ClamAV, BitDefender anti virus for Unices might be a good option, because it has a strong feature for virus and malware removal.

BitDefender is a commercial product with free license edition for personal use. Installing BitDefender on openSUSE require a simple step as below :

  1. Get a free license from BitDefender website. BitDefender will send you a free license key and a link for downloading binary installer
  2. Get BitDefender binary installer for Unices. Binary installer available on an executable file
  3. Install the binary by running it on console. BitDefender provide a console task and a GUI menu for daily use and you would choose to install preferred features within installation process. Below is an installation example using version 7.6.4. Go to installation folder(in my case in /opt)
    [code language=’cpp’]
    cd /opt
    chmod +x
  4. Launch it from start up menu (if only you choose to install the GUI option)
  5. Click on Set New Key menu and paste your free license key
  6. Click on Update icon to updating BitDefender virus definition library
  7. BitDefender ready to use. Click on Scanner menu to starting the virus & malware scanning.

6 thoughts on “Installing BitDefender Anti Virus & Malware Scanner on openSUSE 11.2

  1. mas vavai saya punya bitdefender ini, saya install juga lancar. tapi muncul masalah ketika melakukan update, ternyata servernya error. jadi harusnya servernya diganti jadi apa biar bisa diupdate?

  2. mas vavai saya punya bitdefender ini, saya install juga lancar. tapi muncul masalah ketika melakukan update, ternyata servernya error. jadi harusnya servernya diganti jadi apa biar bisa diupdate?

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