I’ve becoming blogger for about 5 years now. I’m falling in love with blogging activity after surfing blog article on Enda Nasution’s weblog in 2004. Interested with the benefits offers from blogging activity, I try to register a domain name and hosting. vavai.com is the first choice for domain name but at that time I could not get it because vavai.com has been owned by VAVA International, a company based on USA. After review various name, I decided to used infokreasindo.com which is the abbreviation of Excellent Infotama Kreasindo, the name of my business activities. Techscape is the first choice for hosting because at that time Techscape is one of the best option and looks professional.
With poor blog and hosting knowledge, I start with a website that is built manually with PHP script and static HTML pages. Getting tired after a month or so, I decided to switch into xoops Conten Management System and a year later switched to Serendipity weblog system. Serendipity was quite enough and match with my requirement so I take it as default blog engine until now, although I’m switching into WordPress for some blog of mine.
I used Techscape web hosting for about 2 years ut later moved to Qwords because Techscape getting down their quality and have bad technical support at the moment. I decided to move all of my website after having site down problem frequently. I choose Qwords because I know the owner of Qwords personally and it was easy to contact him for any issue regarding my hosting.
In 2008, I considering another option. Qwords has good support but it has limited size and I could not get ssh access without paid ssh fee. with the capacity and ssh access as primary consideration, I decided to move some website into DreamHost because Dreamhost providing bigger space (500 GB) and including ssh access by default.
With the above experience, choosing the right and better web hosting provider is not an easy task. Cheap or an expensive hosting price is not a guarantee for the quality of hosting service. These are so many factor for best hosting and it would need so many time for choosing the right one.
Beside our friend recommendation, the best way are decided right hosting by reading blog experience and hosting review. Credible reviews with a lot and complete information about hosting service will make our life a lot easier.
One of such credible hosting review is webhostinggeeks.com which has listed the feature, package and facilities from hosting service, including independent review from their user. These are also side menu for choosing the right hosting plans based on selected category, ie : blog , forum , operating sytem, budget price, programming language, reseller or shared, etc.
webhostinggeeks.com give us a lot information before decided the best one to pick as our hosting provider. Please remember that you must carefully reading their review and choosing the right category as easiest way to learn more about features, packages and facilities from each hosting.
Actually, I’m thinking to move my reseller hosting into hostgator after reading webhostinggeeks.com review about reseller hosting 🙂
Choosing Best Web Hosting Service

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Thanks for sharing and introducing me this
Thanks for sharing and introducing me this
Just wanted to say your blog is in my daily read list on #29.