Every Monday to Friday, My daughter Vivian goes to school at Al Azhar 31 Islamic Junior High School in Summarecon Bekasi (Alsum 31). Her route goes from Duren Jaya housing in East Bekasi to Jalan Baru Underpass, then towards KH Agus Salim Road, Jalan Perjuangan, and Bulevar Summarecon, Bekasi.
The KH Agus Salim route is a busy one. There are many schools, ranging from Bekasi Jaya Elementary School, SMPN 1 Bekasi, SMPN 3 Bekasi, SMPN 18 Bekasi, MTSN 1 Bekasi, SMAN 1 Bekasi, Markas Excellent (hehehe, this doesn’t need to be mentioned), Mekar Sari Hospital and residential areas.
Traffic congestion usually occurs at the intersection of Mekar Sari Hospital, the SMPN 18 Bekasi intersection (Delas), and the PATAL Bekasi intersection near the gas station. In addition to school children, many employees or workers also cross this route from their respective residences to their workplaces.

Every time Vivian and I travel through this route, we often see traffic officers who regulate traffic, especially at the PATAL intersection, which is the main congestion point. Perhaps there is a special policy from the Bekasi Traffic Office leadership that deploys some of their members here because traffic officers are always present, even sometimes during rainy weather.
Because we are helped by the performance of these traffic officers, Vivian plans to give them a gift. Although it is their duty, it doesn’t hurt to give a gift as encouragement.

My wife and I prepared a gift in the form of our favorite cakes, Dadar Gulung and Risoles Mayonnaise. Why did we choose those? Because I know the Dadar Gulung is delicious, and according to Vivian, the Risoles are also delicious. Thus, we gave a gift in the form of snacks that are guaranteed to be delicious 😁
I wrote a short thank you note and also included a photo of Vivian in the car, not to show off, but just to let them know that what the traffic officers are doing is helping us who have needs in the morning and afternoon.

This morning, we brought the gift, and Alhamdulillah, because it wasn’t raining, the trip was smooth, and we were able to give the gift without any obstacles.
Thank you to the traffic officers. Stay healthy, remain enthusiastic, and may you be blessed in your duties. Appreciate.